People. Values. The future

We work for and with People,
respect and live values
and focus on the future.

Waste water
New rainwater retention basin with a volume of 8,000 m³

»The rainwater retention basin in earthworks of this size required sealing with bentonite sheets in water protection zone III and forms the end of the rainwater channel for a separation system for an industrial estate of approx. 30 hectares.«

Otfried Heineck

Waste water
New rainwater retention basin with a volume of 8,000 m³

»The rainwater retention basin in earthworks of this size required sealing with bentonite sheets in water protection zone III and forms the end of the rainwater channel for a separation system for an industrial estate of approx. 30 hectares.«

Otfried Heineck

Waste water
New rainwater retention basin with a volume of 8,000 m³

»The rainwater retention basin in earthworks of this size required sealing with bentonite sheets in water protection zone III and forms the end of the rainwater channel for a separation system for an industrial estate of approx. 30 hectares.«

Otfried Heineck

Waste water

Engineering services
SiGeKo on the banks of the Main for jetties

Safety and health coordination within the framework of the Construction Site Ordinance:

New construction of mooring bollards for ships near the Eiserner Steg in Frankfurt, execution from the Main side with pontoon, back anchoring with micro drill threads.

Engineering services

We go deep.

Ingenieurbüro Ohlsen GmbH is a planning office for infrastructure.
We specialise in the most relevant of our technical infrastructures:
Water | Waste water | Road

Sewer renovation
New city centre tunnel with pipe jacking in Giessen

»The realisation below a highly frequented railway line with a traffic junction required precise scheduling by all parties involved to guarantee uninterrupted traffic. The pipe jacking was realised using the open shield method.«

Sven Herzberger

Sewer renovation
New city centre tunnel with pipe jacking in Giessen

»The realisation below a highly frequented railway line with a traffic junction required precise scheduling by all parties involved to guarantee uninterrupted traffic. The pipe jacking was realised using the open shield method.«

Sven Herzberger

Sewer renovation

Hydraulic engineering
Renaturalisation of Seenbach stream and habitat for river mussels

»We supported the ecological watercourse planning and planned flood protection by creating retention space and embankments. The special expertise as a hunter with an interest in species conservation came in handy during the planning phase.«

Martin Ponkratz

Hydraulic engineering
Renaturalisation of Seenbach stream and habitat for river mussels

»We supported the ecological watercourse planning and planned flood protection by creating retention space and embankments. The special expertise as a hunter with an interest in species conservation came in handy during the planning phase.«

Martin Ponkratz

Hydraulic engineering
Renaturalisation of Seenbach stream and habitat for river mussels

»We supported the ecological watercourse planning and planned flood protection by creating retention space and embankments. The special expertise as a hunter with an interest in species conservation came in handy during the planning phase.«

Martin Ponkratz

Hydraulic engineering

We are do-gooders.

We go deep – and shape the future with sustainable results.
We engineers are do-gooders: What we do must make the world a better place.
For you and for all of us: as citizens, customers and people.

Water supply
Refurbishment of Palmengarten Frankfurt/Main infrastructure

»As the competition winner, we planned the entire supply in 5 construction phases from 2015 to 2024: water, electricity and realised the paths with lighting. Always with the proviso that existing vegetation is protected and visitor operations are safeguarded.«

Frank Lanfermann

Water supply
Refurbishment of Palmengarten Frankfurt/Main infrastructure

»As the competition winner, we planned the entire supply in 5 construction phases from 2015 to 2024: water, electricity and realised the paths with lighting. Always with the proviso that existing vegetation is protected and visitor operations are safeguarded.«

Frank Lanfermann

Water supply
Refurbishment of Palmengarten Frankfurt/Main infrastructure

»As the competition winner, we planned the entire supply in 5 construction phases from 2015 to 2024: water, electricity and realised the paths with lighting. Always with the proviso that existing vegetation is protected and visitor operations are safeguarded.«

Frank Lanfermann

Water supply

Bypass with connection to industrial estate

»The special challenge is the planning of a 5-core roundabout for large-scale development as a bypass with noise protection, rainwater retention basin and integration of the bridge structures. With tight planning deadlines set by the client.«

Laura Krämer

Bypass with connection to industrial estate

»The special challenge is the planning of a 5-core roundabout for large-scale development as a bypass with noise protection, rainwater retention basin and integration of the bridge structures. With tight planning deadlines set by the client.«

Laura Krämer



Ingenieurbüro Ohlsen GmbH operates nationwide in major cities, municipalities and rural areas. In close co-operation with a wide range of offices and institutions – with the involvement of external partners with project-related expertise.

Transport facilities
City centre cycle path concepts

»Countless kilometres of cycle paths are planned and maintained in our office as a team, using special software and in close coordination with many stakeholders for both urban and rural areas. With extensive tendering and preparation of the awarding of contracts.«

Gesa Katharina Sauer

Transport facilities

Specialist areas

We are experts in all specialist areas. The focus is on water supply systems, waste water disposal systems, transport systems and hydraulic engineering.
We provide engineering services in consulting, planning and construction control.