Ingenieurbüro Ohlsen GmbH
Eiserne Hand 13
35305 Grünberg
Represented by the management:
Managing Director Otfried Heineck Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Business Economist (VWA)
Register entry
Entry in the commercial register
Register number: 3109
Register court: Giessen Local Court
Contact details
Phone: +49 6401 223200
VAT identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz (German VAT Act): DE 192 025 221
Competent chamber
Abraham-Lincoln-Str. 44, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany
Job title and professional regulations
Job title: Engineer
Responsible chamber: Chamber of Engineers Hesse, Abraham-Lincoln-Str. 44, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany,
Awarded in: Germany
The following professional regulations apply:
Statutes of the Hessian Chamber of Engineers, available at:
HOAI - Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers, available at
Information on professional indemnity insurance
We have taken out professional indemnity insurance. The information pursuant to § 2 para. 2 of the DL-InfoV is available for inspection in our office during our business hours.
Editorial responsibility
Otfried Heineck (address and contact details as above)
EU dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
You can find our email address in the legal notice above.
Consumer dispute resolution/Universal arbitration board
We are not willing or obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Overall concept
heineckpartner KG Corporate Communications
compositum multimedia agency, Fulda
Note on the use of language on this website
We have used gender-neutral language where the reading flow remains unimpaired. As a balanced team that unconditionally respects every form of human life, we prefer to implement consistent equality in everyday life rather than on paper and in our virtual presence.
Logo, image material, image collages, icons, the design of the website and all text content are subject to copyright. They may not be used, reproduced or utilised either in their original or edited form.